FOA certifications are designed to show a progression of growth in knowledge, skills and abilities (we refer to them as KSAs) in fiber optics. The CFOS certifications are specifically designed to allow schools to offer specialized classes for students who have already achieved CFOT status or who want to specialize in FTTx.
Requirements For FOA-Approved Courses For Each Certification Level
All FOA-approved schools develop their own curriculum based on FOA certification requirements, KSAs and the reference for each certification, e.g.the FOA textbooks FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics, and FOA Reference Guide to Premises Cabling, FOA Reference Guide to Outside Plant Fiber Optics, FOA Reference Guide to OSP Fiber Optic Copnstruction, FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Network Design, FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Testing and the FOA Online Fiber Optic Reference Guide.
The FOA offers curriculum for schools at no cost if they do not already have or want to develop their own curriculum.
Basic Fiber Optic Technician | Certified Premises Cabling Technician | Skills
Specialist: OSP, Connectors, Splicing, Testing, Design, Fiber
Characterization Applications Specialist: FTTx, FTTA, DAS, Data Centers, Fiber for Wireless, OLANs |
Required background: none | Required background: Field experience or training course. | Required
background: Skills Specialist: CFOT and field experience (see requirements for each specialty for specific requirements) Application Specialist: Basic knowledge of fiber optics (Fiber U online courses acceptable) same for all specialist categories. |
Basics How fiber works, fiber specifications (geometry,attenuation, bandwidth) How fiber optic links work (transmitter,receiver,power budget) |
Basics of premises cabling, structured cabling standards, UTP cabling, fiber cabling, wireless | Skills: CFOT Prerequisite, review, elaborate as appropriate for each specialty. |
Networks (telecom,data,CATV, etc.) | LANs, security, video, Structured Cabling Standards | CFOT Prerequisite, review, elaborate as deemed important for each specialty |
components: Fibers Cables Connection Splices Hardware (patch panels, splice closures, conduit, etc) |
Specialized components for premises cabling: fiber, wiring and wireless in premises networks | CFOT
Prerequisite, review, elaborate as deemed important for each
specialty, e.g.: Cables (all specialties): all types, where generally used, handling, troubleshooting Connectors: all types, recognizing old and obsolete as well as current connectors, termination types (adhesive, prepolished, etc.), termination processes, singlemode vs multimode polishing, troubleshooting Splices: fusion vs mechanical, mass fusion, cleaving, splice trays and closures, cable/fiber handling, troubleshooting |
Installation Safety considerations and Code compliance Reading prints and specs Planning the installation Pulling cable (installation hardware, guidelines to pulling, practices) Documentation |
Same as CFOT, emphasis on specialized techniques for wiring and wireless in premises networks | CFOT Prerequisite, review, elaborate as deemed important for each specialty |
Testing Continuity and tracing Visual inspection of connectors and bare fiber Loss with power meter and source OTDR techniques Correllation of OTDR and power meter/source loss tests Troubleshooting |
Same, plus testing UTP and coax cabling for premises networks. | CFOT
Prerequisite, review, elaborate as deemed important for each
specialty, e.g. to test connectors and splices effectively. For Testing specialty: Using power budgets to estimate loss when testing to verify results Modal effects on loss, using mode modifiers, standards requirements for mandrel wrap and source modal launch Using light source/power meter to make insertion loss tests, effects of launch cables, wavelength, 3 methods of setting "0 dB" reference Using OTDRs, using launch and or receive cables, setting test parameters to get best results, bidirectional differences, ghosts, etc. Troubleshooting with VFL, source/PM, OTDR Fiber Characterization requires testing chromatic dispersion, polarization mode dispersion and spectral attenuation also. |
Standards Components Testing Networks Installation Terms and Definitions |
Structured cabling and network standards | CFOT Prerequisite, review, elaborate as deemed important for each specialty |
Labs Basic cable handling Simple termination (one type, adhesive or prepolished/splice) Optional splicing Basic insertion loss testing with source and power meter, introduction to OTDR |
Labs Premises-specific wiring and fiber practices |
Labs As deemed important for each specialty. Connector termination of various types by at adhesive/polish and prepolished/splice method, multimode and/or SM, with the connectors meeting performance (loss and reflectance) standards. Splices using fusion and mechanical methods for single fibers and ribbons. Testing including insertion loss and OTDR tests including both multimode and singlemode, using VFLs, etc. |
Books: FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics, or (online) FOA Installation Tech Bulletin. Online References: FOA Online Reference Guide particularly the section Fiber Optics, the Basics and FOA Installation Tech Bulletin
Books: FOA Reference
Guide to Premises Cabling, and
supplemental material Online References: FOA Online Reference Guide particularly the sections Fiber Optics, the Basics, Premises Cabling and FOA Installation Tech Bulletin
Books: FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics, FOA Reference Guide to Outside Plant Fiber Optics FOA Reference Guide to OSP Fiber Optic Copnstruction FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Network Design FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optic Testing or FOA Online Guide and FOA Installation Tech Bulletin, specific specialty reference materials may be required. Online References: FOA Online Guide particularly the sections on design, splicing, termiination, testing, etc. and FOA Installation Tech Bulletin
Class typically 24-40 hrs, ~1/2 lab (est.) | Class typically 30-40 hrs, ~1/2 lab (est.) | Varies, Class typically 20-40 hrs per specialty, 1/2-2/3 lab (est.) |
Exam: ~100 questions based on reference materials | Exam: ~100 questions based on reference materials | Exams: Exams are separate for each specialty, based on reference materials |
More information: |
These are hands-on training sessions recommended for introducing students to process involved and developing skills in those processes. While all topics are recommended for CFOT level classes, The FOA recognizes the actual labs included will depend on the focus of the CFOT class. More advanced classes will have more comprehensive hands-on labs.
R |
R |
Plus CD, PMD,SA | |||||
R = recommended
= optional, depending on the application
Sim = OTDR simulator optional
Identify cable types, prepare for pulling, termination and
Pulling and placing cables, termination and splicing (below)
Multimode, adhesive/polish (A/P), prepolished splice (PPS).
Terminate cables, inspect with microscope (polish types) and
Single and optionally ribbon fusion splicing, prepare fibers,
splice and test with OTDR and compare to splicer estimates.
Use any available mechanical splice on MM or SM fiber,
optimize with VFL, test
Loss: Inspect connectors with microscope, check continuity
with visual tracer or VFL, test insertion loss using FOTP-171
(single-ended patchcord test) and OFTST-14 (double-ended
installed cable test, use more than one reference method
Use simulator or OTDR, show setup procedures and how setup
affects traces, analyze traces, identify events, find faults,
compare operator analysis to autotest.
FOA requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities: KSAs