- Sneak Preview: FOA 2008
- 2007 was a busy year for the
FOA, creating new web-based resources for end
users, rolling out the new FTTH
certification, helping schools start up programs, holding
FTTH Summits on each coast and even helping companies like Verizon
recruit FOA-certified Techs. 2008 is planned to be another busy
year, so we thought we'd give you a sneak preview of some of
our plans.
- FOA To Offer New "Fiber
Optic Design" Certification
- The FOA has been asked recently
to offer a new certification for Fiber Optic Network Design,
covering the whole network design, from choosing transmission
equipment to planning and documenting the entire process of creating
a fiber optic communications network. We've been working with
a number of our instructors to prepare a design curriculum and
create a new testing format. Soon we'll have a new "Design"
section of our website to provide resources needed for fiber
optic network designers. Watch for more news shortly.
- Online Renewal
- One continual request is to
have available a online renewal site. We should have this going
by the first of the year. You will be able to go online and renew
your membership/certification.
- Online Testing
- As part of our instructor certification
program, we've been trying online testing. Now it's debugged
and we'll be able to offer it for direct applicants and schools
with computer facilities. Details will be available on our certification
pages shortly.
- More Tech Topics
- We will continue expanding the
Tech Topics
section and may even try some videos. Stay tuned!
- What About Fiber To The Desk?
- FOA member and certified instructor
Bob Ballard of BDI Datalynk
has been working on a project with some of his ex students that
is one of the largest OM3 cabling systems anywhere. It in being
installed in 9 Federal Courhouses in Texas. Bob has written several
articles on the installation, since it has a number of innovative
features. In response to one of the articles, he received a letter
from a reader, another contractor, which he agreed to share with
us. Here is the entire letter:
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 1:15 AM
Subject: FTTD
Mr. Ballard,
I recently came across your article "The Verdict is In",
in the November 2007 issue of PennWell's, Cabling Installation
& Maintenance magazine. As I was reading through your
article I could not ignore the amount of excitement I was feeling,
the sensation was like hitting a big dip in the road. Your article
hit it right on the nose. With the ever increasing demand for
more bandwidth and faster data transmission rates it seems that
the reality of fiber vs. copper would be a no brainer at this
point in the game. Not to mention the cost of copper these days.
I've always felt that the FTTD market would eventually break.
I've also always felt that this would be the next big market
in the Fiber Installation business so again I can,t tell you
how refreshing it was to read your article! In fact it has inspired
me and sparked a flame. I,ve been building and maintaining fiber
optic OSP for almost ten years now but like so many other contractors
I often get discouraged at the seamlessly never ending peaks
and valleys of demand not to mention the geographical decision
making processes of just how far I should go to make a
buck. With all the high rise office buildings and multi tenant
business complexes in our back yard, I feel that finally it may
be the right time to move toward this direction.
I would be very interested to know if you have any suggestions
on how I can start to venture into this market. It seems that
a lot of the resources I'm finding are somewhat outdated and
vague. Do you actually offer a course on FTDD installation? I
have done quite a bit of ISP work but I know beside the basics
of splicing, terminating, and testing there is going to be a
lot of other variables so as cabling methods and procedures,
NIC,s, etc. Can you help point me in the right direction?
- The best answer to the writer's
question on where to find info on FTTD is, of course, the FOA Tech Topics and FOLS,
The TIA Fiber Optic LAN Section.
- Another good paper on fiber
in premises or enterprise networks is available for download
from the Fluke Networks website. The grahics are very good at
helping understand the concepts. Download it from http://www.flukenetworks.com/FNet/en-us/findit?Document=3184603
- You Can Help Start A New
- Read
the whole story in The November FOA Newsletter
Here is the "OM3 Cabling
"spec for designers to use in documentation:
The fiber optic cable
plant will be type OM3 cabling, using laser optimized (OM3) fiber
in a cable with aqua colored jacket, terminated with LC type
connectors and mating adapters all colored acqua. Individual
fiber cable runs will be specified by number of fibers and cable
type (riser, plenum, indoor-outdoor, etc.) required by the actual
- Note: Similar nomenclature could
be used for other fiber optic cabling solutions, e.g. OM1/ST
is FDDI grade 62.5/125 fiber with ST connectors. OM2/SC is 50/125
fiber with SC connectors.
Are your fingers
to big?
- The Skinny Fingers Insertion/Extraction
Tool is
capable of reaching into very tight spaces to perform moves,
adds and changes on virtually all rectangular or square cross-section
connectors, providing a positive grip on a connector without
damaging or otherwise disturbing adjacent fibers or connectors.
Get your glasses on and grab your "Skinny Fingers"
for those hard to reach fiber optics connectors
- See http://www.fiberopticstools.com/installation.html
- POF In Every Home?
- Plastic optical fiber (POF)
has been around as long as glass fiber, but has never gotten
the same acceptance because of its higher attenuation and lower
bandwidth. But now that most consumer electronics have adopted
POF as an interconnect, it may be closer to becoming a standard
interconnect for residential networks. See Lightwave
(Blog, 11/30/07) for their opinion.
- What's AT&T up to?
- The FOA was contacted by a reporter
in Ohio regarding AT&T's local plans for FTTH and U-Verse
Internet TV service. Read
the story here.
- Verizon FiOS
- Verizon recently announced a
717,000 total FiOS TV customers as of September 30th,2007, and
1.3 million total FiOS Internet customers as of September 30th,2007.
Where is Verizon offfering FiOS service? See
this map.
- Want To Learn More About
- The FOA has created a special
FTTx resources
section of our website with a FTTx
links page with lots of links to news, market reports, technical
articles and vendor technical and product information. Here
is a great place to start learning more about FTTx.
- FOA's CFxT FTTx Certification Program
- Read the Broadband Properties article
about the FOA FTTx certification program. Read
the article about FOA President Jim Hayes being honored for his
work promoting FTTH.
- FOA & SCA Helps California
Homebuilders Understand High Tech Homes
- The FOA and Structured
Cabling Association are combined forces to discuss how broadband
connections like FTTH requires new thinking from homebuilders
on how homes should be designed and built to provide high speed
connections inside the home so the family can take advantage
of all that broadband offers. The presentation was part of the
Building Industry Show educational program sponsored by the Building
Industry Association of Southern California.
- Even with home sales in a slump,
a good group came to hear Jim Hayes discuss why high tech cabling
offers a way for builders to makes homes more attractive to buyers
and more profitable. It also offers great job opportunities for
cabling installers and contractors.
- Want to see the presentation?
Go here.
- FOA To Co-Sponsor "BroadbandProperties
Summit 08"
- The FOA, one of the most active
proponents of fiber to the home, will co-sponsor the BroadbandProperties
Summit 08 to be held in Dallas, April 28-30, 2008. As they
describe it, it is "Produced by the editors of Broadband
Properties and sponsored by the FTTH Council and The Fiber Optic
Association, this primer covers the key economic and technical
issues surrounding fiber to the home. It makes clear why FTTH
is the only technology that will deliver enough bandwidth, reliably
and at a low enough cost, to meet the consumer demands of the
next decade."
- The FOA is working with BBP
and the SCA to present a
session on what needs to be done INSIDE the home (and apartment)
to allow the occupants to take advantage of FTTH. For the home
builder, what goes on inside the home is important to the owner
or renter, as the ability to use the broadband connection for
video, voip, etc. depends on the internal connections. Our session
is intended to educate municipal planners, architects, developers
and home builders, of course, but also FTTH vendors and installers,
who should also be actively educating this group not only on
the advantages of FTTH, but also what they need to do to make
FTTH and any other broadband connection more useful and attractive
to the end user.
- Along the way, we'll make a
pitch for properly educating installers of both the broadband
connection and the home cabling to ensure proper installation!
- End Users Need Advice Too
- Most technical information on
fiber optics seems to be aimed at installers, but at the FOA
we get lots of phone calls from end users. Often they are confused
and want advice: Should they use fiber or copper? What components
should they choose (and why?) What does a fiber optic system
design require? Can they install fiber themselves or should they
hire a contractor? How do they find a contractor? What should
the contract with the contractor include? What are the requirements
for testing and documenting a network? And sometimes, we get
a fiber optic network user who asks "My system is down?
What can I do?"
- Well the FOA has started addressing
the needs of the end user. A new section of the FOA website will
be devoted to the end user, trying to cover all these questions
and more - as the users call us to ask.
- Don't assume the information
is just for users, not installers, contractors and consultants.
It's information you need to be familiar with also, and we'd
suggest you tell all your customers about it, as it will help
explain fiber optics in terms they will understand and help you
and them communicate about fiber optic projects.
Fiber Optic Association User's Guide To Fiber Optic System Design
and Installation
- http://www.thefoa.org/user/
- Installing Fiber Optics?
Have You Seen These?
- We get lots of calls here at
the FOA looking for advice. Many are from people unfamiliar with
fiber optics who are planning an installation, having an installation
done or testing and troubleshooting problems. To answer these
questions, we have created a standard on installation, NECA/FOA-301
and three Tech
Bulletins for users and installers. These, plus all the information
in our "Tech
Topics" section, will answer many of your questions.
It's where most of our callers are sent for detailed explanations
they can print and distribute to interested parties.
Digging Safely
The old story (not a joke!) about
the most likely fiber optic communications system failure being
caused by "backhoe fade" reminds us that digging safely
is vitally important. The risk is not just interrupting communications,
but the life-threatening risk of digging up high voltage or gas
There is a website called "Common Ground Alliance"
that focuses directly on this issue. Here is how they describe
- Damage Prevention is a
Shared Responsibility
- The Common Ground Alliance
(CGA) is a member-driven association dedicated to ensuring public
safety, environmental protection, and the integrity of services
by promoting effective damage prevention practices.
In recent years, the association has established itself as the
leading organization in an effort to reduce damages to all underground
facilities in North America through shared responsibility
among all stakeholders.
Of special interest is their
Practices" Manual, available for downloading. If you
do OSP installs, please get yourself a copy and read it.
There is a new toll-free
"call before you dig" number: 811
See www.call811.com
for more information
Fiber Optic Protection Summit:
By the "811" group. March, 2008 in Vegas.
Home Tech - Needed To Take
Advantage of FTTH
Once a home has a broadband connection,
which we hope is fiber to the home, but could be DSL or Cable
Modem, the usage of all that bandwidth depends on distribution
within the home. The in-home connections can be UTP or Coax copper,
wireless or fiber. But architects and home builders must learn
how to build homes to take advantage of broadband connections.
The FOA, in conjunction with the Structured Cabling Association,
have started working with home builders to bring them up to speed.
You can see the first tutorial we have jointly developed at the SCA website.
Bob Ballard of FOA-Approved
School BDI Datalink
has a neat website with some good technical content. Be sure to pay particular attention
to these pages:
and http://www.bdidatalynk.com/askdoctor.html
Like Good Technical Videos?
Electric TV.
- Job
- Fiber/Copper Instructor in
the Baltimore area.
- Our Fiber Optic/Copper Cable
Network Program is a 72 hour, non-credit program aimed at providing
entry-level skills for students interested in obtaining an a
position in the telecommunications industry. Typically the class
is scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 - 10 pm
on our Catonsville Campus. Our immediate needs are for
someone to teach 8 Fiber (Copper has been completed) classes
beginning on 11/13 and ending on 12/11/07; the next program will
begin in April of 08. Would consider putting a piece in
your newsletter requesting anyone interested in teaching to send
me their resume. A Bachelor's degree and industry experience
are required. If possible, could you email me a sample of your
Mary Lou Beach
Program Coordinator
The School of Applied and Information Technology
410-455-4564 Fax
- Engineering Assistant
- Job Description
- Under the direction of Design
and Development Engineers build and test prototype and preproduction
Assist Engineering to create, develop, modify and implement joining
processes including soldering, welding, epoxy fixing, glass sealing
and fixing
Assist Engineering to develop and implement processes relating
to fibers, fiber pigtail assemblies and connector/receptacle
Perform wire bond, ribbon bond processes
Perform hermetic sealing and testing processes
Assist with necessary testing and qualification of parts. Testing
will include optical, electrical and RF parameters.
Assist with documenting designs, processes and procedures
Assist Engineers with transferring to and training Production
- Skills Required
- Excellent knowledge of hybrid
microelectronic assembly equipment
Excellent hands-on assembly and test skills
Ability to work with limited guidance independently
Extensive experience with hybrid microelectronic assembly processes
Prior experience with fiber optic and/or optoelectronic devices
Good working knowledge of electronic and RF test instrumentation
strongly desired.
- Education and Experience
- >3years relevant work experience
At least ASEE or equivalent
- Inside Technical Sales
- Job Description
- Support in-coming calls for
technical/application questions.
Provide quotes, quote follow-ups and closing of sales.
Developing of new customers/business through prospecting, re-engagement
of inactive accounts and introduction of new products.
Represent sales in weekly meetings regarding production schedules,
forecasting, quality control and custom projects.
Manage RMA's (Returned Material Authorization) from initial customer
discussion through internal review and final conclusions.
Work with procurement to ensure on-time material deliveries.
Interact with engineering regarding technical questions and custom
Keep account information updated, run daily contact reports and
manage ACT our account management database software.
- Education and Experience
- Engineering Degree, EE preferred.
5 years technical sales experience.
Optics/Photonics background preferred.
- Please forward resumes to:
Pauline Molenaar
Office Manager
EM4 Inc.
7 Oak Park Drive
Bedford, MA 01730
781-275-7501 x 252
Fiber Optics Technician, UNITED
Position Title: Automation Support
Specialist (Fiber Optics Technician)
Appointment (Year + 1 day)
Location: Galveston, Victoria, Corpus Christi,
McAllen, Laredo, Brownsville and Houston,
Salary Range: $39,322 - $63,943(CL-25)*
Commensurate with Qualifications
Will convert the court's buildings
throughout the United States Southern District of Texas to fiber
optic cable. The court has facilities in Galveston, Victoria,
Corpus Christi, McAllen, Laredo,
Brownsville and Houston, Texas.
- More info: http://www.bdidatalynk.com/USCourtsTech.html
- Project Manager
- Celergy Networks, Carlsbad,
CA, a leading provider of voice and data networking and structured
cabling installations, seeks Project Managers for Telecommunications.
Candidates must be able to work in a fast-paced environment,
multi-task, be able to quickly identify potential roadblocks
and facilitate solid solutions, and have strong customer service
- Responsibilities include coordinating
labor, materials and customer scheduling required for implementation
of projects to meet and or exceed customer expectations and deadlines,
daily communication and reporting to customer on status of work,
margin control of projects, interaction and team work with engineer,
accounting and purchasing manager to ensure a profitable and
smooth implementation.
- The Successful Candidate Will
- Strong organizational and communication
skills required.
Strong negotiation skills and experience in negotiating pricing
3+ years experience in customer service and/or help desk related
work preferably within Telecom industry, but not required.
Working knowledge of Windows NT, especially word, excel, power
point, adobe.
MS project and IS09000, 9001, etc experience preferred, but not
Understanding and basic knowledge of PM process and procedures
Ability to follow process and procedures, enhanced with ability
to identify improvements and suggest changes if required for
improvement for greater efficiency and customer service.
Experience in Project Management of multiple accounts simultaneously
Strong interpersonal skills and experience working with a team
Basic knowledge in cabling/infrastructure preferred.
- The salary range for a project
manager currently offered is between 40k- to 60k / year,
based on experience.
- Lucia Romanov-Stark
Director of Marketing
Celergy Networks, Inc.
2011 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 200
Carlsbad, CA 92011
Phone: (760) 268-1913 x 6134
Fax: (760) 603-8577
Mobile: (949) 374-2334
- Information Technology Specialist
- The Network Technician reports
to the Director of Technical Services and is a member of both
the Enterprise Services Team within the Information Technology
department and the Telecommunications Team.
This highly skilled seasoned technician applies a broad and in-depth
working knowledge of IT network infrastructure to a wide variety
of assignments through the application of technical concepts,
practices, and procedures. This position works in the field to
support the campus data, voice, and video infrastructure systems.
Under general direction, serves as the on-site technician to
install, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain network equipment.
Completes requests for new service, determines methodology for
installing network equipment, determines appropriateness of moderate
equipment changes or modifications, installs and terminates fiber
optic cable, terminates copper cabling, test links, and installs
other computer equipment as required. Use current industry standards
and operating procedures to establish work methods incorporating
innovative approaches to complete work assignments.
- Green River Community College
is located on a 168-acre wooded site near Auburn, Washington,
about 30 miles from both Seattle and Tacoma. The college opened
in 1965 and enrolls over 9,000 students, includes 11 instructional
divisions and 50 vocational programs, and employs over 1000 full
and part-time staff. Green River Community College recognizes
that embracing diversity maximizes faculty and staff contribution
to our goals and provides the best opportunity for student achievement.
- An application packet can be
requested by email (hr@greenriver.edu) or by phone at (253) 288-3320.
Human Resources
12401 SE 320th Street
Auburn, Washington 98092
Additional information about Green River Community College at:
- ADC Looking For CO Techs
- DC Power Installers and Equipment
Installer Level III Candidates. We are looking for individuals
who have proven success working in a Central Office environment.
Candidates should have the ability to lead others and to travel
- We are currently looking for
a Central Office Equipment Installer, level III for Newark,
N.J and surrounding areas.
- Equipment Installers are responsible
for the installation of equipment used in voice, video, fiber
optics and data telecommunications networks. Level III Installers
also, analyze, plan, layout and assign installation activity
to other installation personnel. Act as subject matter expert
on provisioning, activating and testing ADC and OEM electronic
We are currently looking for DC Power Equipment Installers,
Level IV to cover installation projects in the Northeastern part
of the country. DC Power Equipment Installers are responsible
for the installation of equipment such as batteries, rectifiers,
PBD's, BDFB's and associated infrastructure used in telecommunications
networks. Analyze, plan, layout and assign installation activity
to other installation personnel. Act as subject matter expert
on provisioning, activating and testing 24 and 48 volt DC electronic
equipment. Candidates should have experience programming DGU(s),
LMS(s), Milleniums, Galaxy(s)s, etc.
- Candidates are invited to post
their resumes on our web site, www.adc.com.
Once there, Candidates can view open jobs and apply to them by
clicking on the "careers" link.
- Kevin Geathers,
Sr. Staffing Specialist
ADC Telecommunications
1-800-833-8843 x 6317
Verizon Openings In Newport News,
- Verizon: Fiber Network Field
Technician (Outside Field Technician)
- Openings in the following areas:
- Take your career to new heights
at a company that's a leader in global communications: Verizon.
We offer an unparalleled opportunity to advance your career while
contributing in an enthusiastic, team-oriented environment.
- Primary duties include, but
are not limited to:
- Install, remove, rearrange,
program, test, troubleshoot and maintain fiber network services.
Install and configure routers, set top boxes. May assist
with installation of PC software as needed and ensure proper
configuration of the customer's PC. Interact with the Fiber
Solution Center as needed. May install appropriate inside
Install, maintain and repair outside and inside fiber equipment/facilities
including inside wiring and fiber jumpers at the distribution
Interface with customer to negotiate the placement of equipment;
may assist with account registration, e-mail, and web access,
and training the customer on how to use the new equipment. Ensure
customer satisfaction. Respond to inquiries and provide
follow-up, as necessary.
Interpret schematic work order drawings to determine job specifications
and installation needs. Order and/or obtain required equipment.
Effect problem solving where appropriate.
Utilize various test equipment to analyze equipment trouble and
take appropriate maintenance action.
- Skills/Requirements:
- Requires high level of customer
contact to ensure customer satisfaction.
Climbing poles and ladders; lifting 75-100 pounds on a regular
basis; pushing, reaching, bending and stooping; manual dexterity;
good sense of balance; and good color vision.
Must have a current/valid California Drivers License and a clean
driving record.
Qualified candidates must pass all company required tests, a
pre-employment drug screen and a background check. In addition,
candidates will be required to successfully pass a legally required
DOJ Criminal Records Check/screening process (fingerprinting).
Candidates must be able to work any shift given, including days,
weekends, holidays and overtime as required.
- Verizon offers:
- Hourly rate for this position
is $12.87-28.55. Wage credit may be granted for related
work experience and/or college degree.
Benefits include medical, dental, life insurance, 401(k) with
Company match and paid vacation
- interested candidates should
go to https://www22.verizon.com/about/careers/fiberjobs.html
to apply AND schedule themselves for testing.
- Thank you for showing an
interest in Verizon!
Verizon is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer supporting
workforce diversity. m/f/d/v. Principals only!
- Also Check Recent Job Openings
In Previous Issues of The FOA Newsletter
- Tech Puzzler
- The big advantage cited for
OTDRs is you can test a cable from one end, but can you really?,
see below.
- Answer below
- Understanding FOA Certifications
- To answer questions on FOA certifications,
we've created several new web pages:
- Overview
of FOA certifications
- CFxT
- Training
Requirements - What Schools Are Teaching
- Reading these will help you
understand what each FOA certification covers and how to prepare
for them.
- New Professional Society
for Structured Cabling Recognizes Importance of Fiber Optics
(and Wireless)
- The new Structured Cabling Association,
Inc. (http://www.scausa.org/)
is a professional society aimed at installers of "structured
cabling" or premises cabling. Structured cabling has been
focused on so-called "Cat 5" or UTP cabling for years,
while network speeds have left UTP behind. Now most backbones
for LANs are fiber optics and every network seems to have wireless.
The SCA, founded in part by FOA activists Tom Collins and Jim
Hayes, intends to make structured cabling training and certification
more relevant to today's world.
FOA Logo Merchandise
- FOA has arranged with EmbroidMe
to provide FOA logo merchandies. Identify yourself as a FOA-certified
tech or instructor. The lab coats are super impressive for either
cabling techs and instructors. Check
out the selection.
- FOA CFOT Renewals Get Free
Copy of NECA/FOA Installation Standard
- Every CFOT renewal will now
receive a free copy of NECA 301-2004,
Installing And Testing Fiber Optic Cables, produced by
The FOA in cooperation with NECA (The National Electrical Contractors
Association). This is an important reference document for defining
the installation and testing of fiber optic cable plants in a
"neat and workmanlike manner."
- The FOA feels this is such an
important document that we are giving a free copy (normally priced
at $15) to every active CFOT when they renew their active status.
- The FOA has also sent free copies
to all FOA-Approved schools. The new FOA CFOT exam to be used
after August, 2005, will include questions from the standard.
Schools should be including information from the standard in
their classes already.
- FOA Certification Top Choice
The FOA CFOT and CFOS programs continue to gain momentum in fiber
optics. Over 20,000 CFOTs have been certified by over 160 schools
as the FOA enters its 12th year. Since our founding in July,
1995, we have dedicated ourselves to promoting fiber optics and
professionalism in fiber optics personnel, focusing on education
and certification. We are continuing to add new schools and more
CFOTs as users of fiber optics learn that a CFOT is the indication
of a professional, well-trained fiber optic technician. Now with
FTTH (fiber to the home) finally taking off, demand for CFOTs
is rising and schools are responding by expanding programs rapidly.
- The FOA now has approved programs
at 160+ organizations, welcoming new additions like the Joint
Apprenticeship and Training Committee of the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers, Corning
Cable Systems and AFL
for their installation training programs and NASA's Goldstone
Tracking Station. The complete list of FOA-Approved schools is
at http://www.thefoa.org/foa_aprv.htm.

Your Name, CFOT - It pays
to advertise!
The FOA encourages CFOTs to use
the logo on their business cards, letterhead, truck or van, etc.
and provides logo
files on this site for that purpose. But we are also asked
about how to use the CFOT or CFOS certifications. Easy, you can
refer to yourself as "Your Name, CFOT" or "Your
Name, CFOS/T" for example.
Feel free to use the logo and
designations to promote your achievements and professionalism!